Machina Eco Pass

Be a part of our mission for a greener future. Join us with your Machina Eco Pass.

At Machina Eco, we believe that technology should not come at the expense of our planet. Our team is dedicated to minimizing the environmental impact of AI by sourcing all of our electricity from renewable sources and offsetting our CO2 emissions.

Our mission is to make sustainable, green and ethical AI accessible to everyone. In order to use our resources responsibly, we have set the free usage limit to 12 messages per day.

With your Machina Eco Pass, you can send as many messages as you want, while supporting the development of green AI.

Choose a Machina Eco Pass for one month or save with the annual pass. With either option, you'll make a positive impact on the environment while getting full access to eco-friendly hosted AI models.

Machina Eco Pass

  • Send as many messages as you want with no daily limit
  • Support the development of sustainable AI
  • Full access to eco-friendly hosted AI models
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